Thursday, October 13, 2011

Business Studies




1. What is coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food.

Is a lifelong condition that occurs when gluten triggers an abnormal immune system response that damages the small intestine. Tony, finger-shaped tissues (villi) line the small intestine. The villi create a large surface that absorbs vitamins, sugars and other nutrients as food passes through the small intestine.

The function of the villi is to increase the surface area of the intestine so as to increase its capacity to absorb nutrients and liquid from food passing through it.

2. What happens to a person with coeliac disease?

They will inevitably cause themselves serious harm, primarily to the intestine and secondarily to other organs. The walls of the intestine are lined with minute finger like projections called villi. Intestinal villi absorb nutrients from ingested food. When a Celiac ingests gluten, his/her villi flatten out and no longer perform their function. Nutrients in food are thus no longer assimilated and are passed out of the body in the faeces. Celiac’s who ingest gluten effectively put their intestine out of service; their bodies no longer receive the necessary nutrition and consequently they lose weight, their growth is stunted and they become ill. Gluten intolerance symptoms vary, the most noticeable being diarrhoea, abdominal swelling, loss of appetite and vomiting. However, sufferers may also develop other less immediately apparent symptoms, such as iron and calcium deficiency.

People who have celiac disease may have periods when their symptoms seem worse. Or symptoms may sometimes not be noticed at all.

A child who has celiac disease may not grow and gain weight normally because the child's body is not absorbing needed vitamins and other nutrients. Children who have untreated celiac disease can become very ill. They may need hospitalization for treatment with fluids and medicine to restore nutrients. These treatments are usually short-term, and most children recover completely.

Adults who have celiac disease have a slightly higher-than-average risk of lymphoma, which usually develops in the intestine. They also may have a slightly increased risk of developing cancer of the esophagus.

3. Treatment - how do we deal with coeliac disease?

Once you suspect that you have celiac disease, visit your doctor. A doctor will conduct a blood test, or a small bowel biopsy to determine whether the patient is celiac.
If the test proves that you are celiac, you must take care of yourself. Remove gluten from your diet completely, and read the ingredients on everything you intend to consume. You should specifically look for “gluten free” foods rather than just “wheat free.” There is no known cure for celiac disease, but doctors will advise you to live gluten-free.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Technology - MTV Project


Team members: Linh, Lidia
Song: Perfect Two - Auburn
Type of MTV: Stop Motion
Equipment: toys, papers and colors.

In work days at school, we will meet to paint and arrange the picture we have to shoot. Then at the weekend we will shoot the toy follow by the lyric.
Lidia: Shoot and buy toys.
Linh: Make the mtv and paint.

The lyric:
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain and I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date

You can be the hero and I can be your side kick
You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

Don't know if you could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need

Cause your the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause you are the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two

We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

[Verse 2:]
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages

You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as we're together

Don't know if I could ever be
Without you cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
Find More lyrics at
That we're all we need

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two

We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya

I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle

[B-Sec 1/2:]
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two

We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chemistry - Recycling of Metals

a.     What will happen to the world if there are no more metals?

            Metals play an important part in modern societies and have historically been linked with industrial development and improved living standards. Each metal has its especial uses and very important in our life.

Sintered Metals / Powder Metals
Sintering Equipment Includes Numerous Continuous Belt FurnaceState of the art computer controlled coordinate measuring equipment and a Cordax measuring machine assure dimensional accuracy.
Sintered Metals

For example:

-Copper and aluminium wire are used to carry electric current.
-Copper, aluminium and iron are used to make domestic utensils and factory equipment.
-Thin foils of aluminium are used for wrapping cigarettes, medicines, confectionery, etc.
-Aluminium is used for making angles, doors, pipes, etc. which are used in the construction of houses.
-Metals such as sodium, titanium, zirconium, etc. are used in generation of nuclear energy and in space science projects.
-Mercury is used in thermometers.
-Magnesium metal is used as a strong reducing agent to prepare other metals.
-Gold and silver metals are used to make jewellery.
-Thin foils of silver and gold are used to decorate sweets.
-Uranium metal is used to generate nuclear energy.
-Titanium metal is very hard, resistant to corrosion, light, has high melting point and is good conductor of heat and electricity. Because of its unique and useful properties titanium is sometimes called ‘the wonder metal’.

We can see so many uses of metals so without metals, it would be difficulty in making things that we are using. There will be no more domestic utensils, factory equipment, medicines, furniture, appliances, tools…
b.     Is it important to recycle metal?
Yes, it is.
c.      Thus what are the reasons to recycling metals? Isn’t it easier to obtain metals through its original from through extraction of metals?
Reasons to recycling metals:

-It is easy and cost-effective to recycle metal, and metal can be recycled continuously without losing its properties.

-When it is easy to do, human should recycle rather than to continually deplete the earth’s natural resources.

-It saves the Earth.

-It saves Energy. Recycling used materials reduces energy requirements in many manufacturing processes such as refining and mining. Recycling materials like aluminum and glass can greatly reduce the pressure on energy resources.

-It helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by producing something that is useable.
-It saves Money. With the reduction in costs to re-manufacture used metal through recycling, there is even more money to be made across the board. This impact that metal recycling has, not only helps protect the environment and protects our natural resources for generations to come, but creates in the hundred thousands of jobs across the world.

Some of the effects Recycling of metals has on the environment.

- The environment is not a single thing - conservation of resources, energy, air and
water pollution, and psychological and political aspects are often competitive, and what may help in one area may be harmful in another

-As lot of debris is collected everyday for recycling, and so the recovery sites can become unhygienic. Abandoned dump sites can severely damage the surrounding environment. Harmful chemicals in the trash, can mix into water and soil. This can cause water and soil pollution and harm plants and fish in the streams and lakes.
-In addition to conserving energy resources, metals recycling also reduces mining and beneficiation activities that disturb ecosystems.  Though land used for the extraction of primary metals represents under 0.1% of Earth’s terrestrial surface, exploration and mining activity can affect surrounding ecosystems due to necessary infrastructure and by dispersing metal compounds into the environment.

d.     Think of reactive ways that we can also play a part in recycling metals?
For some metals you do not use anymore, we can modify it and create it to be another thing we can use. For example: if we don’t use the cans anymore, we can cut the cover, decorate the outside. Put in woodland and then planting by seed. Or the steel we can stick them and then bent it, create it to decorate. 


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Technology Task

1. What is MTV?

formerly an initialism of Music Television, is an American network based in New York City that launched on August 1, 1981. A cable and satellite television channel that broadcasts popular music and promotional music videos.

2. Effects of MTV on the youths of today?

-Keeps our knowledge fresh and up to date by providing us with the latest things that are happening around us.

-Allows us to represent ourselves to the rest of the world.

-Youths are in control and choose a media that they feel like compliant their mood.

-Youths in control of their viewing and the new waves of technology and more channels that appeal to every single possible music taste.

3. Effects of MTV on you - why do you like/dislike MTV?

- MTV help me to update the new music type, fashion style and even language (because I'm international student). I can learn English from MTV.

- I find out MTV is more than just music because there are tons of different things in this channel.

- I like MTV because everything is in 1 channel, even the advertisements are interesting and entertaining. 

-MTV is the channel I can relate to.

4. How does MTV change your life?

-MTV includes musics and real life shows.

-Music changes my life because almost songs are telling the story of life and it's beauty, wonder, struggles and causes. When I'm sad I can listen to a song about struggles and I might feel better. It's really change my mood.

-Real shows are the key. The reason they called "real show" because it relates to our life. Sometimes in the real show I find that I have the same situations as a character so I feel I'm not different from others. Others also have a moment that it worse like me.

-MTV is like a morning paper for youths and for me. It likes a routine for the day to update the world by shows, music, advertisement, fashion, style, your idols, your idols information...

-MTV is also a part of art that might give me the ideas of art, creations or innovations. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chemistry - Term 3

A. History of naming formula

Naming formula or the language of chemistry was largely based on the work of Antoine Lavoisier (Father of Modern Chemistry). He worked to translate the archaic and technical language of chemistry (about 19 century). Then the names of formula was developed by a group of scientists. Elements are represented by symbols. Each formula has a name unique to that formula.

B. What is the concept behind the naming?

In the past, the chemists used formula or elements by drawing or using shape to describe the formula. But it very hard to understand so that naming the formula made it easier to understand and to use at more interesting for people to learn. Naming the formula allows chemists and people to communicate in words rather than in chemical symbols.

C. Does "ate" represent 3 Oxygen atoms?

No, it doesn't. There are many formula that have "ate" but more than 3 oxygen. Example: PO4 (phosphate), SO4 (sulfate)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chemistry - Atmostphere and Air

Global Warming

What is Global Warming?
Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.

The Causes

Global Warming is caused by many things. The causes are split up into two groups, man-made causes, and natural causes.
Natural causes: are causes created by nature. One natural cause is a release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is a greenhouse gas. A greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the earth's atmosphere. Another natural cause is that the earth goes through a cycle of climate change. This climate change usually lasts about 40,000 years.
Man-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes.
Pollution is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution comes in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. When fossil fuels are burned they give off a green house gas called CO2. Also mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. How does it escape? Methane is naturally in the ground. When coal or oil is mined you have to dig up the earth a little. When you dig up the fossil fuels you dig up the methane as well. 

Another major man-made cause of Global Warming is population. More people means more food, and more methods of transportation. That means more methane because there will be more burning of fossil fuels, and more agriculture. Another source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food. Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane. Another problem with the increasing population is transportation. More people means more cars, and more cars means more pollution.

Since CO2 contributes to global warming, the increase in population makes the problem worse because we breathe out CO2. Also, the trees that convert our CO2 to oxygen are being demolished because we're using the land that we cut the trees down from as property for our homes and buildings. We are not replacing the trees (an important part of our eco system), so we are constantly taking advantage of our natural resources and giving nothing back in return.

The Effects 
Global warming will increase the frequency or intensity of many kinds of extreme weather.
Global warming heats our oceans. Since hurricanes derive their power from warm waters, scientists expect more ferocious hurricanes.
Hurricanes cause do billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat and control and conflicts exacerbate all of these.

Hot, dry conditions are perfect for sparking wildfires.

Higher temperatures cause water to evaporate faster, leading to dried-out soil that increases water shortages and puts crops and livestock at risk.

Ice caps melting

Warmer temperatures along with associated floods and droughts are encouraging worldwide health threats by creating an environment where mosquitoes, ticks, mice and other disease-carrying creatures thrive. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that outbreaks of new or resurgent diseases are on the rise and in more disparate countries than ever before, including tropical illnesses.

Species loss and endangerment is rising along with global temperatures.

The Solutions 

The Awareness
Advertising Method: Organize a group of volunteer people wear green T-shirt walk around the city to donate people a small paper bag of seeds. Encourage them to plant at their house.
(something like this)

Give them a paper of simple personal things to do to save the environment. Invite people to this organization.



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Biology - Assessment Task 2

Siberian Tigers

-The Siberian tiger also known as the Amur, Altaic, Korean, North Chinese or Ussuri tiger.
-Type of species: Mammal 
-One of eight different subspecies of tigers and the largest cats currently living on Earth.
-Is a subspecies of tiger which once ranged throughout Western Asia, Central Asia and eastern Russia, and as far east as Alaska during prehistoric times.
-Is the biggest of the eight recent tiger subspecies and the largest living felid, attaining 320 kg in an exceptional specimen.
-Genetic research in 2009 revealed that the current Siberian tiger population is almost identical to the Caspian tiger, a now extinct western population once thought to have been a distinct subspecies.

-There are about 330-370 adult Siberian tigers left in the wild (at early 2009).

-Its range is limited to the Amur region of Russia in the Far East (most are here), where it is now protected and China (very low population, 18-22) and possibly Korea. The region (i.e. distribution of this tiger) is shown on the map below:

-A Siberian tiger cub, a naturally very precious animal, was found trapped in a woodpile in the snowy northeast of China. This is the first time the Siberian tiger has been seen in China for 60 years according to the Times author.
-Within the regions in Russian where this tiger can be found is, for example, the area of Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik. Sikhote-Alin is a mountain range in Primorsky & Khabarovsk Krais. It is about 900 km to the NE of Vladivostok. "Zapovednik" refers to a protected area in Russia. These areas are kept wild.
-This is a picture of Central Sikhote-Alin, which is Siberian tiger habitat and a UNESCO World Heritage Site:

-The mountains of the area are densely forested with birch and conifers on higher slopes. On the lower slopes there is mixed deciduous forest. This area generally is one of the leading lumbering areas of the Russian Far East. Minerals are also mined in the area. No doubt outside the protected reserve these activities have a substantial negative impact on the Siberian tiger habitat and the tiger's survival, therefore. The human population is sparse.

-Unlike some big cats like lions, adult tigers like to live alone (except for mother tigers with cubs). This is partly because in the forest, a single tiger can sneak up and surprise its prey better than a group of tigers can.


-Siberian Tiger is a Carnivore.

-As these animals live in the cold climate where the winter is almost all the year round and that is why they need a lot of meat. They must eat at least 20 pounds a day to keep fit and they may eat up to 100 pounds at a time. Their strength allows them to drag prey for long distances, and if there is too much food, they hide it in secure places. They spend almost all of their time hunting. 

-The Siberian tiger's main prey was wild boar, though it occasionally fed on roe deer, red deer and domestic animals such as dogs, pigs, sheep, and cattle in winter.

A Sample of Food Chain

Sun --> Plants --> Deer --> Siberian Tiger

Why are Siberian Tigers Endangered?

-There are a lot of reasons because of which the population of these animals decreases; the main one is the fact that man influences greatly the life of the animals

-Poaching was unquestionably the most serious threat to the Siberian tiger's existence. All tiger sub-species have been hunted by humans since ancient times. Per to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), "tigers are poisoned, shot, trapped and snared, and the majority of these animals are sought to meet the demands of a continuing illegal wildlife trade - which includes traditional Chinese medicine." 

-China made medicinal usage of tiger bones illegal in 1993. However, tiger parts are highly valuable, their trade lucrative even today.

-Even though it is illegal to kill a tiger, wild tigers are still being poached today because their bones, whiskers and other body parts can be sold on the black market for a lot of money.

-The other vital concern for the survival of the Siberian tiger in the wild is habitat loss.

-Research has demonstrated the Siberian tigers require vast forest landscapes to survive. However logging, both legal and illegal is threatening the tigers home by fragmenting their habitat thereby isolating them from each other.

-In addition, the continuous creation of new logging roads provide poachers with access to formerly remote areas.

-So in essence, for the Siberian tiger to survive in the wild, and no longer be considered and endangered species two things must happen. First, habitat encroachment must stop and secondly, the thousands of years old tradition of using tiger parts for medicinal purposes must also end

Conservation Efforts

Siberian Tigers in Russia
In this century, the Siberian tigers (sometimes called the Amur, Manchurian, or Northeast China tiger), have survived four wars, two revolutions, and now an onslaught on its forests. There are three protected areas for tigers in Russia-the Sikhote-Alin (3,470 km2), Lazovsky (1,165 km2), and Kedrovaya Pad (178 km2) Reserves-inland from the Sea of Japan in the Russian Far East.
Siberian Tigers in China
Sightings of Siberian tigers in Changbaishan, near the Chinese border with North Korea, were reported in Chinese newspapers in 1990, and some are still found along the Russian border. The Cat Specialist Group suggests that there are probably fewer than 50 Siberian tigers in China.
Siberian Tigers in Zoos

The captive program for Siberian tigers is the largest and longest managed program for any of the subspecies. The Siberian tigers tiger served as one of the models for the creation of scientifically managed programs for species in captivity in zoos and aquariums worldwide. According to the 1997 International Tiger Studbook there are about 501 Siberian tigers managed in zoos. This captive population is descended from 83 wild-caught founders. For the most part, the Amur or Siberian tiger is considered secure in captivity, with a large, genetically diverse and stable population.

-ZSL's Amur tiger conservation project is focused on non-invasive population monitoring, anti-poaching efforts, and increasing education and awareness.

-This project is run by tiger biologist Linda Kerley and her husband Misha Borisenko, an expert wildlife tracker. Linda and Misha need more funds for buying camera traps and to keep the jeep running. If you would like to donate, your funds would be helping to secure a future for both Amur tigers and their smaller cousins, the Amur leopards.

 What we can do to help conserve them?
Conserve Habitats
    •    One of the most important ways to help threatened animals survive is to protect their habitats permanently in national parks, nature reserves or wilderness areas. There they can live without too much interference from humans. It is also important to protect habitats outside reserves such as on farms and along roadsides.

    •    You can visit a nearby national park or nature reserve. Some national parks have special guided tours and walks for kids. Talk to the rangers to find out whether there are any threatened species and how they are being protected. You and your friends might be able to help the rangers in their conservation work.

    •    Some areas have groups which look after local lands and nature reserves. They do this by removing weeds and planting local native species in their place. You could join one of these groups, or even start a new one with your parents and friends. Ask your local parks authority or council for information.

    •    By removing rubbish and weeds and replanting with natives you will allow the native bush to gradually regenerate. This will also encourage native animals to return.

*Encourage others to avoid traditional Chinese medicines that use tiger body parts. Poachers kill an average of one wild tiger each day, mostly for use in traditional Chinese medicines. Historically, people believed that tiger parts had healing powers, but the practice has continued despite research showing no exceptional value from the use of tigers.
*Support the enforcement of bans on the killing or international trade of tigers or tiger parts. Although many countries have signed on to Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora agreement with regards to tigers, killing tigers continues.
*Donate money to tiger conservation organizations that use the money to fund research on tiger habitat and behavior. These organizations also fund education programs and in some cases, purchase tiger habitat to protect it from development. By giving money to the organizations, you will be helping to conserve tigers around the world.

*Support accredited zoos and wildlife sanctuaries that actively participate in tiger research and conservation. Some accredited zoos have captive breeding programs and many spend time researching tiger behavior and health.
*Volunteer to work with conservation organizations to educate and mediate with farmers who live in tiger habitats. Conflict between tigers and humans can lead to killing tigers. Working with local individuals to reduce their dependence on forest lands allow habitats to be saved and it reduces conflicts.

*Take an eco-tour that focuses on tigers. Tourism dollars produced by responsible tours can help convince governments and businesses that tigers can be profitable in the wild. This creates incentive to protect tigers in their natural habitat.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Twitter vs Facebook

1. What features are common between Twitter and Facebook?

Facebook can Poke - twitter can Nudge

Facebook can Post Pictures - Twitpic and it tweets with a URL to your picture

We post Videos on FB - Tweet tinyurls, made easy by many twitter clients like twitterific

We can Share Links on FB - Tweet tinyrls

We can Tag pictures on FB - @name callout a person to tag on twitter

We can Comments on FB - Reply to tweets

We can see a shared link and share the link - RT (stronger endorsement by the user)

We can add link to feeds - Star favorite, you can also get back to your favorite tweets later.

We can send message - DM on twitter

We can private profiles by change the settings on FB - Closed updates approved by user

Notification and feeds on FB - Tweets

The status updates on FB - Tweets, in twitter apps like twitterific you can add your location to your tweets or pictures too.

Facebook Apps – keep content fresh on facebook with fun tools = Twitter Apps is evolving with array of tools to offer new ease of use for twitter

RSS feed of feeds = RSS feed of specific user (more granular control, also keeps the focus on the individual)

Threaded comments = Comments not threaded, but theres a twitter app that offers that to people who want to track tweets as conversations

2. How are they different in terms of features?

* Private vs. Public Social Graph

Facebook is our real social graph, real family, friends, collegemates co-workers, teachers, colleagues, fellow churchmates, fellow parents, friends suggested or referred by real friends. Facebook is also single mindedly focused on offering the best privacy controls to the users so they can share as little or as much of their pictures, profiles, videos etc. with their real friends.

Twitter is your public social graph. Everything is open, anyone can follow you and there is lot of chatter anytime you tune in.

*The Real Me, Real Time!

Twitter gets access to the real me by the ability to call out a user with a @username. There is inherent viral play here as that user is now exposed to the followers of the first user, validating their social graph in real time, which is very different than on facebook.

In twitter, you can friend anyone by following them without their knowledge or permission. You allow anyone to follow you and it is optional to friend that person back so the relationship gets mutual and allow them to send you a direct message. This is in contrast to facebook where you friend a person and it has to be mutually agreed and accepted before you can view their profile or post on their wall or see their feeds.

The main difference is that people can ignore their facebook messages.But in twitter if you call someone out in an @reply, it is reaching the real person, like an email. They can choose to ignore you or come check you out quietly and still ignore you or follow you or reply back making it a longer conversation. But you reached the real person. Their lack of communication sometimes becomes communication.

*Different technology building blocks leads to different capabilities

Facebook announced new profile pages for famous persons is trying to cut into that segment of users who follow famous people on twitter.
What is fascinating to note is this is similar functionality but goes to the fundamental difference between facebook and twittr. They built out of different bricks as building blocks.

Twitters fundamental building block is a profile made of tweets. @reply, followers, friends, DM, nudge are layered functionality on top of this.

Facebook’s building block is a profile page. That’s why when Facebook saw twitter get lot of mainstream media, they proactively created Profile Pages , which is a smart, expected move.

*Don’t underestimate the power of search

Facebook is closed, you cannot search any of your own feeds or status updates or comments or likes. You have a basic keyword search that allows to find friends or applications.
Facebook allows google to crawl public profiles and lets google bring it more users.

Summize was built using twitter and later bought by twitter and became twitters their powerful search tool. It also speaks to how open completely open the twitter API is, but that’s a different discussion!

Twitter search allows you to search to find conversation happening on any keywords and subscribe to it as a RSS feed. It is like have a Google SEM engine sending you customers to your RSS feed every 10 seconds.

*Growth Patterns Tells the Real Story of Divergent Paths

Facebook is growing at 1 Million users/month with increased internal users.
Twitter has an organic growth with more companies joining it and experimenting with it.

Twitter is a community or has several communities built into it with its own set of rules and accepted behaviors.

Eg. Adding #tags, #Fridayfollow at end of tweets on Fridays to recommend new friends to follow etc.

So as new users join twitter they enrich their community and become part of it sooner than facebook where the user has to go through the learning curve for each user one user at a time.

3. Besides the web, we can access Twitter and Facebook through cellphone.

4. Why do you think Twitter and Facebook are popular?

Twitter is popular because
-It’s quick

The 140 character limit strictly enforces length, which means that users can check people’s updates quickly and easily. It’s short and simple.

-It’s easily accessible
Users can receive updates on their computer, on their phone, on their BlackBerry, and sooner or later, by carrier pigeon. Twitter is easy to access anywhere you are, and nowadays, it’s a very important factor.

-It’s got a privacy factor to it
It may be surprising, but hearing about what someone is doing during their day, mundane or not, interests a lot of people.

-It’s entirely open
While it may creep some people out, it’s plays an important role in Twitter’s popularity. Anyone, whether or not they have an account, can read anyone’s updates.

-It’s free
If you want to be popular online, you’ve gotta be free. YouTube, Facebook, MySpace… they’ve all done it.

*Facebook is popular because:

-Upload unlimited photos.
Facebook is the most popular website for uploading photos. Not only can users upload unlimited photos, you can also add tags and put comments on your friends' photos. With tagging, we will know when your friends or your contacts add a picture of you in their album.

-Be 'in the know'.
Do you want to know what your friends are doing without using instant messaging softwares like Yahoo! Messenger or MSN? With Facebook's STATUS feature, you can see what your friends are up to without having to ask them - which can definitely save a lot of time and effort.
Interact with friends through games and other applications.

-Facebook changed the way people use applications for social networking websites.
Applications like games and tests (Poker, Trivia Games, Get-to-know-yourself tests, "What does your birthday mean?" test, "Are you Normal?" test, etc) are being used to encourage more social interaction through the Internet. You don't have to meet each other face to face to be able to play poker.

You can also join different groups and causes like anti-war or "Stop Global Warming". When joining these causes, you can contribute in any form such as online support or money.

-Send gifts!
With Facebook's Gift feature, you can select from hundreds of icons from Facebook's virtual gift shop and add a message to send to your friends. You can send flowers, shoes or even a bone to your friend's virtual pet. If it's a more personal gift, you have the option to give it privately so others wouldn't know. You can get from the free gifts section or if you have money to spare, you can get virtual gifts for $1.00.

5. What do you personally like about them?

I like to use Facebook because almost my friends are using them. I want to update their information, pictures and all the things about them through Facebook. I also can find the person I want to find just by their name. My friends and I can share to each other the information, pictures, stories or videos also. That's why I love Facebook.

I prefer Facebook than Twitter. Twitter is also interesting but because my friends are not using so I did not usually use them. Twitter is easy to use but it quite boring for me to use. However, I still like to sign in twitter to read quotes or tweet from some famous person.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Technology Project


Members: Linh, Heidi, Lidia, Aya

- Bubble tea stores we have researched: Novena, Somerset, Ion Orchard.

-The brand we have chosen: Each a Cup.

-The kind of tea it has: Original Ice Tea, Original Milk Tea, Fresh Drinks, Ice Fruity Tea, Ice Fruity Milk Tea, Smoothie, Ice Blended, Coffee Sensation, Fruit Yoghurt Drink.

-The choices of customising tea it offers: Sugar levels (0%,20%,50%70%,100%,120%); Extra (Big pearls, mini pearls, mix fruit jelly, green apple jelly, Aloe vera, grass jelly, lychee jelly).

-The location of the stores: Tampines Central, Somerset, ION orchard, Suntec City Mall, City Square Mall, Plaza Singapura...

-Work plan:
Aya: Take photos
Lidia: Find the information
Heidi: Arrange the information
Linh: Make movie

-We used iMovie.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Biology Task 1

 Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

- The prokaryotes are a group of organisms that lack a cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles. They were originally thought to live on in inhospitable conditions but have since been found in all types of habitats.
- The word PROKARYOTES comes from Greek.
- Prokaryotes live in nearly all environments on earth where there is liquid water.
- They are cells in bacteria and archaea and cells are usually independent.
- The oldest known prokaryotes were laid down approximately 3.5 billion years ago, only about 1 billion years after the formation of the Earth's crust.
- Prokaryotes have diversified greatly throughout their long existence. The metabolism of prokaryotes is far more varied than that of eukaryotes, leading too many highly distinct prokaryotic types.
Cell structure of a bactarium, one of the two domains of prokaryotic life.
- A eukaryote is an organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membrane.
- All species of large complex organisms are eukaryotes (including animals, plants, fungi and protists).
- The word EUKARYOTES also comes from Greek.
- The eukaryotic cells are often found in multicellular organisms.
- The origin of the eukaryotic cell was a milestone in the evolution of life, since they include all complex cells and almost all multi-cellular organisms.
- The presence of steranes indicates that eukaryotes were present 2.7 billion years ago.
Structure of a typical plant cell (eukaryote)
Structure of a typical animal cell (eukaryote)
In the world of cells, there are two major groups: the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes. They are very similar in that they contain many of the same parts. However, there are a few major differences between them.

Eukaryotic Eukaryote

Size of cell
Very minute in size,  between 1-10  micrometers
Fairly large in size, animal cells are between 10-30 micrometers; most plant cells are between 10-100 micrometers
Do not have a nucleus
True nucleus
Membrane-enclosed organelles
Consist of two protein building blocks
Complex: consists of multiple microtubules
Cell Wall
Usually present
Present in animals, not present in plants
Plasma membrane
No carbohydrates and lacks sterols
Sterols and carbohydrates present that serve as receptors
No cytoskeleton
Cytoskeleton with cytoplasmic
Smaller size
Large size except in organelles when smaller
Single chromosome present
More than one chromosome present
Cell division
By fission or budding
By mitosis or meiosis
Sexual reproduction
Transfer of DNA fragments only and is always asexual
Involves meiosis and is asexual or sexual
Huge of metabolic pathways
Common metabolic pathways
Endoplasmic reticulum

Differences between Prokaryote and Eukaryote